Sunday, February 10, 2013


Work as a group of 3~4.
1. Work on categorizing katakana words/expressions. 
  • Discuss with your group members in which category each of the katakanas you found should fit. (If you don’t know the answer, please seek opinions from the さとう先生&しばた先生.)
(Category) Onomatopoeia - Emphasis - Loanwords
  • If a katakana word/expression doesn’t fit into any of the categories written above, create a new category for it.
  • Write (1) the category, (2) the katakana words, (3) the English translation/transcription, and (4) the place where you found the katakana in the comment section of the blog. See the example below.
(Example) Loanword, スタイル, style, Newspaper

Think about katakana use and write your analysis on your blog. 
Other people will read your analysis and make comments on your analysis.
  1. Choose at least 2 katakana words/expressions that you found (or you can choose new ones) and think about what kinds of effects / purposes there may be in these words/expressions writing in katakana instead of hiragana or kanji.
  2. Also, think why there are such effects/purposes.
  3. Think about why each textbook is different in explaining katakana, and why the textbooks explained katakana in the manners that they did.
* Write what you have written in the above questions on your blog. In title, write "Katakana Analysis Draft." 

Katakana Analysis Checklist
  1. Did you clearly state the source(s) for your data (e.g., newspaper "Asayomi shinbun," women's magazine "Kitty")?
  2. Did you gather enough information from varied sources to support your conclusion?
  3. (For Final Analysis only) Were you able to exchange your opinion with people who know Japanese (i.e., advanced level Japanese learners, Japanese persons)?
*After exchanging comments, revise your analysis and post it on your blog. (Deadline: March 7) 


  1. Loan Words:
    • コーン フロスティ
    • ウッズ
    • パンティー
    • スター ウォーズ

    • ツマラナイ
    • タマゴ
    • ハシゴ
    • ワシ
    • イカサマ

    • ガオン
    • キョロ キョロ
    • パク パク

    • フタツ


  2. scientific name, ユリノキ, yurinoki (Lily Tree), botanical garden sign

    onomatopoeia, うぎああアアあア!!, scream, Bleach vol.1
    onomatopoeia, え(voiced)ツ, scream, Bleach vol.1

    anime name (cool), ナミ, Nami, One Piece vol.1

    loanwords, カップにティーバッグを入れ、kappu ni teiibaggu wo ire (put the teabag in the cup), instructions (green tea)

    loanwords, ホットケーキミックスておいしいワッフル, hottokeekimikkusu de oishii waffuru (delicious waffle from hotcake mix), microwave waffle maker package

    loanword, メルマガ, merumaga (mail magazine), Japanese embassy website

    emphasis, ニク, niku (meat), Gintama ep.25

    emphasis, キズナ, kizuna (bonds), Fairy Tail character song album

    loanwords, プレゼントキャンペーン、purezento kyanpein (present campaign), docomo (website)

  3. Loan Words
    クラフトマンシップ、Craftsmanship, Handbag Care Instruction
    ファブリック、Fabric, Handbag Care Instruction
    ニュース、news, Newspaper “The Asian Shimbun”

    ゴミをすてないで!, Don’t trash, Street sign

    プチプラ, Puchipura, Magazine “Non n”

    キラキラ、 Kirakira, Magazine “Non n”


  4. Loan Word:
    ホワイトターフ-white turf, CNN news article
    テクノロジー- technology, Japanese newspaper
    ペリカン- pelican, Yomuiri article
    マルシェ- walk (French), pompon cakes ad

    キュツ-Manga Matrix
    キキッキ-laughing, Action Comics

    Science Word:
    ジアミンオキシダーゼ-diamine oxidase, wikipedia

    ジャパン-Japan, company name


  5. ハリツケ, crucifix, 天才バカボンのおやじ (manga) (バカボン=people who don't work), emphasis
    ボク, 僕, dragon ball manga, used to create emotion...use in katakana when fragile?
    リョウコ、japanese name, monokuro少年少女, name
    アナウンスルーム, announce room, NHK, loanword
    スペシャル, special, NHK, loanword


  6. アイムラビニット、(I'm lovin' it), loanword, McDonald's Advertisement,
    メリダ、(Merida), loanword, movie poster,

    チーザ、(Cheeza - Brand), loanword, product packaging,
    ペチャクチャ、(chatter), onomatopoeia, internet powerpoint
    ピカピカ、(shine), onomatopoeia, internet powerpoint

    ハイチュウ、(HI-Chew), made-up brand name, product packaging
    ハッピセット、(Happy Meal), loanword, McDonald's Menu
    プライバシー、(Privacy), loanword,

    ニャン(ねこ)、(cat sound), onomatopoeia, YouTube sensation
    ゴロゴロ、(thunder sound), onomatopoeia, internet article
    ストリート、(street), loanword, manga


  7. リー、イツコウィツ、ワン(アンクレーア)

    Name, ナツ, Natsu, manga (Fairy Tail)
    Loanword, サラマンダー (furigana for 火竜), salamander, manga (Fairy Tail)
    Loanword, シリーズ, series, magazine
    Name, ゼルネアス, Xerneas (Pokemon name), magazine
    Emphasis (differentiating from rest of hiragana), フタ, futa (cap/cover), packaging for a pen lead
    Brand name (emphasis+coolness), スゴイダイズ, sugoi daizu (super soy bean), food packaging
    Emphasis, シンプルエレガンス100コーディネート, simple elegance 100 "coordinate", Magazine
    Onomatopeia, ザー, zaa (sound of rain), Manga (もののけ姫 vol.1 p.64)
    Expressing tone (describe speech), ゆるさねェぜ, yurusaneeze, Manga (Gintama)
    Emphasis, ビンはワレモノです, bin wa waremono desu (the bottle is fragile), bottle
    Loanword, カップ酒, cup sake, haiku

  8. トヨタ - Toyota. Used to sound sophisticated and modern.
    プリングルズ - Pringles (advertisement). Loanword.
    ストナジェルサイナス - Stona Gel Sinus (medicine box). Combination loanword and for sophistication.
    ワンデーアキュビュートゥルーアイ - One day Acuvue true eye (contact lens box). Loanword.
    ワタシハナリタイ - I want to become (old Japanese poem). Archaic use of カタカナ.

    -MT, NH, KC

  9. フリーマン、チュー、ヴォラ

    Loanword: レトロガール (Retro Girl), young woman’s magazine, emphasizing the fashionable and modern image [source: Vivi Japanese magazine]

    Loanword: グナウィナングン (Guna Winangun), an Indonesian music CD with the title transcribed into katakana since it’s a foreign phrase [source: Guna Winangun music CD cover]

    Loanword/Name: ロードアフザリング (Lord of the Rings), an English name and book title, transcribed into katakana since it’s a foreign phrases and translating literally would lose the ‘coolness’ and meaning [source: Lord of the Rings poster]

    Loanword/abbreviation: プラ (short form for plastic), used as a sign for recycling and shortened since it’s on a label [source: sticker on plastic eraser case]

    Brand name: クロイサンゴ (Kuroi sango), brand name of a camera company, and even though クロイ could be written as くろい since it’s a Japanese-origin word, to keep the ‘coolness’ factor, it’s retained in katakana [source: sticker on camera]

    Brand name: ワールドアトラス (World atlas); a company name transcribed from English into katakana [source: sticker on decorative bell]

    Name: イタチ、ナルト (Itachi, Naruto), names of characters in Japanese manga; イタチ could also have been written as いたち since this name is a Japanese origin word, as is ナルト (なると); there are two possible reasons for this, one of them is that ‘Itachi’ in hiragana means ‘weasel’, not a very positive connotation, and so the name in katakana differentiates the meaning from the name. Moreover, sometimes katakana names make the characters seem cooler and more western, distancing them from their Japanese origins and making the mangaverse and characters more appealing universally [source: manga]

    Loanword: ステッカー (Sticker), an English word [source: sticker booklet]

    Onomatopoeia: ドドドーン (sound effect for thunder), メリメリメリ (sound of trees cracking); also visually stylistic since the katakana are sharper and more pointy, and look like what they’re trying to portray lending a sense of visual and auditory unity [source: manga]

    Loanword/brand name: チーズポタト (Cheese potato), written on a packaging of cheesy potato chips [source: food packaging]

    Emphasis/stylistic: 雨ニモマケズ (not affected by rain); part of an early 20th century poem which could have been written in hiragana but was instead written in katakana following the kanji for stylistic purposes; it was written by a man, with whom the edgier, sharper katakana are conventionally associated with, whereas the curvier, softer hiragana are associated with women [source: poem by Miyazawa Kenji]

  10. リウ、ペン、ショベン

    Onomatopoeia - ドゴキッ - stuff breaking - Manga (Beezlebub)
    Onomatopoeia - ザワザワ。。。- commotion, leaves rustling - Manga (Beezlebub)
    Foreign - パキッツ - chocolate bar - snack wrapper
    Foreign - スーパーマリオ - super mario :DD - advertisement
    Foreign - エキサイテング - exciting - video game advertisement
    Foreign - カメハメハ - Dragon Ball/King Kamehameha of Hawaii (1810) - DBZ
    Foreign - リアル - Real - Song (Sakura)
    Emphasis - モノ(しんじてたモノ)- Song (Sakura)

  11. チャン、リアン

    Source: Lunch Menu
    Type: Foreign Loan Words

    Source: Asahi Beer Can
    Type: Clarification of chic use of Romaji
    where elsewhere on the can it says "Super Dry"

    Source: Schematic Map of Kyoto Train Station
    Type: Loan Words
    ホーム (which seems to mean platform)

    Source: Ingredients list on a food item
    Type: Scientific category names

    Source: Movie Poster
    Type: Foreign Loanwords
    クリント イーストウッド

    Source: Cover of Tokyo Numero Magazine, March 2013
    Type: Foreign Loanwords; Clarification of chic use of Romaji
    ヌメロ トウキョウ
    ラナ デル レイ
