Tuesday, October 23, 2012


  1. Write a new blog entry. If you have no idea what to write, write about your fall break or hometown.
  2. Check your previous posts in Japanese and make corrections on errors (spelling, tense, particles, etc.) if necessary.
  3. Comment on the blogs
  • of your classmates in your group and
  • of at least one student from other universities(under ほかのだいがく category)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


1. Write a new blog entry. If you have no idea what to write, write about your weekend activities.
  • Use both present and past tense verbs.
  • Write longer sentences by using various particles and adverbs.
2. Check your previous posts in Japanese and make corrections on errors (spelling, tense, particles, etc.) if necessary.

3. Comment on the blogs
  • of your classmates in your group and
  • of at least one student from other universities(under ほかのだいがく category)

Saturday, October 13, 2012








Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Blog Evaluation Categories

1. Language
Accuracy (spelling check etc)
Incorporation of Japanese, practice what you learn, use as little english as possible
A balance between Japanese and English
Not too long, not too short, concision
Use of katakana when appropriate

2. Content
Enthusiastic, puts effort into it
Interesting, humor, funny, entertaining, dramatic
Creative, giving your blog a personality
§   80% information providing, 20% about yourself
Relevancy, Engaging writing style, nice style of writing
Blog posts with coherence.
Informative, new information,
§   Lots of Japanese content, information about language and culture beyond that given in class, post things that aren't limited to the class.

3. Layout
Good layout
Presentation: Colors! Visual presentation
Multimedia: picture and videos if possible,
§   Funny backgrounds and pictures/videos

4. Communication
Comments, Number of comments generated
Active participation: Response back to people who leave comments             

5. Consideration
Mindful of audience, accessible to everyone
Common sense (no random or offensive posts)

6. Frequency
Update often, Not too Spartan, Volume of posts
§   Posts at least once a week , at least twice per month Updated frequently
§   Punctuality with assigned blog posts

7. Others
side note from yours truly: lost of food pictures and anime gifs :D :D :D
suushhiiiii <3333

Sunday, October 7, 2012


かようび(Tuesday)は にほんごテーブルです!みなさん、きてください!!!

10がつ9か:りゅうがくせつめいかい(information Session)

りゅうがくせつめいかい(Study Abroad Information Session)が あります。きてください!

  • 10がつ9か
  • 4じはん〜
  • ジョーンズ 100

Monday, October 1, 2012


Classroom Activities on 10がつ3か

Discuss what makes a good blog in groups of 3-4 people.

At the end of the semester we will have not only teachers but also you and your classmates evaluate each other’s blogs. We will use the results of your discussions today as a basis for deciding the criteria that we will use to evaluate the blogs at the end of the semester.
  1. Discuss what makes a good blog in groups of 3-4 people.
  2. Post the result of your discussion in the comment column of the blog. Make sure to include your names or initials with the posting so we know that you have commented.