1. Language
Accuracy (spelling check etc)
Incorporation of Japanese, practice what you learn, use as
little english as possible
A balance between Japanese and English
Not too long, not too short, concision
Use of katakana when appropriate
2. Content
Enthusiastic, puts effort into it
Interesting, humor, funny, entertaining, dramatic
Creative, giving your blog a personality
80% information providing, 20% about yourself
Relevancy, Engaging writing style, nice style of writing
Blog posts with coherence.
Informative, new information,
Lots of Japanese content, information about
language and culture beyond that given in class, post things that aren't
limited to the class.
3. Layout
Good layout
Presentation: Colors! Visual presentation
Multimedia: picture and videos if possible,
Funny backgrounds and pictures/videos
4. Communication
Comments, Number of comments generated
Active participation: Response back to people who leave
5. Consideration
Mindful of audience, accessible to everyone
Common sense (no random or offensive posts)
6. Frequency
Update often, Not too Spartan, Volume of posts
Posts at least once a week , at least twice per
month Updated frequently
Punctuality with assigned blog posts
7. Others
side note from yours truly: lost of food pictures and anime
gifs :D :D :D
suushhiiiii <3333